The standards of Conduct will ensure that each student has the opportunity to learn the culture and traditions surrounding Hula. Please train yourselves and help your fellow students to follow these rules.

Always behave respectfully in the Halau, its grounds, towards haumana (students), and guests.
The Halau is a grateful guest of the facility. Please treat the facility with respect at all times.
Please remove shoes before entering class. No shoes are to be worn in the Halau hale.
Please silence cell phones.
Students will practice pa`a ka waha (if words are exiting your mouth, wisdom cannot come in). When Kumu or Alaka’i are speaking, quietly listen. Learn by observing.
Hula pa’u skirts must be treated with care and respect. Pa`u skirts are to be put on at class and not worn to the Halau. Fold them carefully when putting them away.
Experienced hula dancers take their place at the front of the class. Level I and II students line up behind unless Kumu or Alaka`i requested you to come forward.
During class, please hold your questions until Kumu or Alaka`i are finished teaching and ask if there are questions. Always ask questions to your Kumu or the Alaka`i, and not your fellow students in order to ensure you understand.
If you wish to videotape a class in order to assist in learning, obtain permission beforehand. Videotaping is for your use only and may not be distributed or shared without Kumu’s permission. Setting up cameras and videotaping cannot interrupt or create obstacles in class. It is not permitted to share or teach choreography of any dances without specific permission from Kumu.
Children are not permitted to run through or play on Halau grounds or to interrupt/disrupt classes.
Be courteous to the class. If you are going to be late, let Alaka’i or Kumu know prior to class.
If you cannot attend class, please contact the Alaka’i ahead of time. It is your kuleana (responsibility) to obtain any missed class material or information to catch up. It is ok to text the Alaka’i or Kumu.
Non-members are not allowed in the Halau at any time without the permission of the Kumu.
Smoking, alcohol, drugs, or illegal activities are not permitted at any time on Halau grounds or during Halau sponsored events.
Horseplay is not allowed in the Halau at any time.
The facility’s equipment is strictly off limits at all times.
Clean up the facilities before leaving, sweep or mop floors as necessary. Pick up and remove all litter.
Students may bring their own water to Halau. Water must be in bottles with caps on them.
Family members are not permitted to sit in keiki classes without the permission of Kumu, as it is too distracting to students.
Children may not be left unattended at the Halau; they must be picked by the start of the next class (15 minutes after their class). They may be picked up at the front of the Halau and walked across the parking lot back to your vehicle. There is absolutely NO parking in front of the Halau, you must park in a designated parking stall (any un-numbered parking stall)
All new students will begin at level I, and will be placed at the appropriate level class once Kumu has made a determination.
Students must develop the discipline to practice at home, as well as memorizing kahea by the next class.
Please update your contact information as soon as it changes. We contact students primarily by email and text. Please check the Halau website for updates, events, and class changes or cancellations.
If you decide this class is not for you, and you decide to join another halau, please let Kumu know and let her know why it is not for you. You will always go with Kumu’s blessing and we want to learn from your experience. If you leave to try other Halau and wish to return, please contact Kumu.
It is important to know that you cannot dance under more than one Kumu or belong to more than one halau at a time.
The Halau colors are maroon, black and white.
Halau Hula Malani O Kapehe reserves the right to determine the suitability of all Haumana.
Hula choreography is the intellectual property of Kumu Hula Mapuana Samonte and may not be performed without the express written permission of Kumu.